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Charlotte Jupp




I decided on a name for my art apron at school. I always liked the name Emma and so my friends nicknamed me 'Chem', and it became ChemArt - It's as simple and daft as that!


Why did I  choose the name ChemArt?

Full English 


How do I  create my  ideas? 

I have most recently found a passion for photography and have participated in courses to develop my skills. I enjoy exploring and capturing the wildlife and beautiful landscapes that are located here in Dorset.

All of my paintings are inspired by the photographs I take and I paint using bright colours and my own artistic style. Whilst going on my day trips I take images of anything that inspires me, so that I can capture the moment and later transform it onto canvas.


Acrylic paints

Oil paints




2010 - present

2010 - present

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